The Famous Grouse

Name: The Famous Grouse

Color: Light yellow

Nose: Barley, honey, vanilla, heather flowers

Taste: Carmel, floral, malted barely


The Famous Grouse is a well-known and popular Scotch Whisky that you see in all the bars in Scotland and most liquor stores in America. Founded by Matthew Gloag and his son William Gloag they created The Famous Grouse in 1896 and have become a cornerstone of the scotch whisky industry in Scotland.

The distiller (now owned by another company), produces other expressions such as; Smoky Black, Alpha Edition, Mellow Gold, Snow, 16-Year-Old Vic Lee, and a few other expressions. A few years ago the comedian Ron White had a comedy bit about drinking Black Grouse. Today, he owns a tequila company so doubt he will be doing scotch jokes. The Famous Grouse is also the official whiskey of the 2014 Commonwealth Games and I will be reviewing a special edition of Grouse 1986 in the coming weeks.

A few weeks ago, on a trip to see the family in Scotland, I took Virgin Train from London Euston to Glasgow Central Station. I decide to treat myself and purchased the 1st Class ticket. When you go 1st class you get free Wi-Fi, food, drink and access to the lounges at the stations. On the train they were serving The Famous Grouse so I drank it, and I liked it. The scotch and the beautiful scenery out the window made the trip very relaxing. If you have not travel from London to Scotland by train, I highly recommend it. You get the scenery, affordable cost, and general time saving compared to a flight.

Priced around $25-35 and very affordably Scottish. It is fine a for a slugging whisky, mixer, or a train ride.

If you like it, drink it! – Christopher


ChrisThe Famous Grouse

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