Tullamore DEW Irish Whiskey

Name: Tullamore DEW Irish Whiskey

Color: Light brown

Nose: Malt, cream vanilla, oak, light citrus, white pepper

Taste: Malt, honey, flowers, vanilla cream, light oak

Tullamore DEW Irish Whiskey is from Tullamore, Country Offlay which is West of Dublin. Named after Daniel E. Williams (DEW) who was a general manager owner of the original distillery. The distillery was founded in 1829 and has changed ownership a few times over the years. It is currently produced by William Grant & Sons.

Tullamore DEW is tripled distilled and bottled at 40% abv. It is on the shelf of most bars in NYC and is a popular in Irish coffees as it has a lighter tasting profile. It is also the whiskey used in The Buena Vista Café of San Francisco’s famous Irish Coffee. I am not much for Irish coffee, but the one they make look delicious. It’s on my bucket list of bars to visit.

Other expressions are: 11, 12, 15, Phoenix, Old Bonded, Cider Cask, and XO Rum.

This expression has nice taste, but not overly impressive. I had just finished tasting Slane so this was amazing in comparison. It can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks or as a mixer.

Priced around $35 and it’s an acceptable slugging or Irish coffee.

If you like it, drink it! – Christopher

If you like it, drink it!

ChrisTullamore DEW Irish Whiskey

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