Name: Kavalan Sherry Cask Single Malt Whisky
Color: Brown
Nose: Sweet, strong alcohol, dry fruits
Taste: Dry fruits, spices, tobacco, coffee, and burn finish
Kavalan Sherry Cask Single Malt is full bodied, beefy type whisky with just enough sweetness to round it out. It has a strong “in your face taste” that would make for a good pre-steak dinner drink or relaxing with a cigar. The whisky is not too heavy with wood or peat so you would be able to enjoy the smoke from your cigar, but please, do not smoke a cheap stick.
Kavalan Sherry Cask is similar to other cask strength whisky’s; you will want to cut it with some water or ice to open it up. At 57.1% abv (114.2 proof) it is a big hit on the palate. I am not huge fan of cask strength whisky’s. I find that they sometimes go straight to my head so I always cut it with ice. It can be annoying sometimes that I have to continue blending the whisky in my glass, but when the whisky is good I do not complain. So, add some water or ice to lighten the load on your palate. If you opted for ice, use the small 1“x1″ cubes to start and add more if needed.
With many types of whiskies from many countries you may be in a situation here in NYC where you need to stand out among your co-drinkers or on a date. I would recommend you order Kavalan. When people ask you what you ordered you can Steve McQueen the response, “Single malt from Taiwan” and leave it at that. Sit back and watch everyone be impressed.
Priced around $200 and rising. It might be hard to fine but it is very good.
If you like it, drink it! – Christopher