Bardstown – Fusion Series #4

Name: Bardstown – Fusion Series #4

Color: Light Brown

Nose: Corn, vanilla, wood, orange, cherry notes

Taste: Corn and malt, orange-vanilla, spicy, pepper finish

Bardstown Bourbon Company is from Bardstown, Kentucky and it is a relatively new company compared with others from the region. I learned they are “a new blend of bourbon makers pushing the boundaries through innovation” and “a modern Napa Valley styled facility with food paring…on the new 1,000-acre property…combo of distillery, visitor center, rickhouses, and active farm”. I visited the distillery in April 2021 and it is impressive. It makes some other visitor centers feel tiny in comparison. The company states $25 million was spent on the property, but it appears they spent much more. 

The Fusion Series #4 falls under Bardstown baseline whiskey for taste and price point. I found this expression a little too hot and needed some water to open up.

As stated on the bottle:

    • 40% Kentucky, 13 years, 74% corn / 18% rye / 8% malted barely
    • 11% Bardstown Bourbon Co. Kentucky, 3 years, 60% corn / 40% rye
    • 15% Bardstown Bourbon Co. Kentucky, 3 years, 78% corn /1 0% rye / 12% malted barley
    • 34% Bardstown Bourbon Co. Kentucky, 4 years, 70% corn / 18% rye / 12% malted barley
    • 94.9 proof

I was not amazed with the taste, but it is a good whiskey for the price compared to other expressions. I am not finding too many Bardstown Bourbons on the shelves in the NYC area. Is anyone seeing them? Please reach out if you do via social media I would be curious to see the selections offered and prices.

Priced around $65 and worth the money for a baseline bourbon expression.

If you like it, drink it! – Christopher

If you like it, drink it!

ChrisBardstown – Fusion Series #4

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