Name: The Macallan Edition No. 3
Color: Brown
Nose: Oak, vanilla, orange
Taste: Fruits, sweetness, vanilla
The Macallan Edition No. 3 is one of the three releases from Macallan’s Special Editions Collection. This scotch was created in partnership with professional perfumer Roja Dove who used his skills to match smells that work with each other.
No. 3 is wood focused with the nose being a big part of the profile. The nose being a significant part of the creative process is no surprise with a perfumer consulting on its creation. But how will it taste?
No. 3 is a blend of 6 casks which are the following;
- 1st Fill American Oak Hudosa Butts
- 2nd Fill American/European Oak Refill Butts
- 1st Fill European Oak Tevasa Butts
- 1st Fill American Oak Bourbon
- 1st Fill European Oak Tevasa Hogheads
- 1st Fill American Bourbon Barrels
Each cask has a different flavor profile. I will spare you the details but the vanilla taste is clearly nose forward on this whisky. As you may already know, that comes from the bourbon barrels. Vanilla is a big thing with perfumers so I am not surprised by this but there was not much else in the flavor profile.
Over the last few years there have been various partnerships between distilleries and other people. Distilleries are partnering with chefs, musicians, movies, actors, artists, etc. to create new whisky’s. I want to believe it is a good thing but sometimes I feel it is marketing bullshit. It is like the distillery ran out of ideas and someone said, “Ummm why don’t we bring in {fill in the blank} to help us? Then we can market the shit out of this whisky!”
Ya, ok….fuck off with that.
I get distinct feeling that some whisky producers, even the big ones, are getting a bit desperate with the potential, and eventual slowdown in whisky interest. It has been 10 years since Mad Men aired and whisky became cool again. Now, in 2018 distilleries need to create new products that do not have a historical romantic story so a partnership with someone cool helps them sell.
It should be noted that Macallan has two other “Editions”. No.1 is made from eight casks and not partnered with anyone cool. No. 2 is sherry styled and created with some famous Spanish Chefs. Sherry influenced whisky from Spain….no shit?
Priced around $100 it is good, but I am not a huge fan for the flavor or the price. Let’s see how long it lasts on the store shelves.
If you like it, drink it! – Christopher

If you like it, drink it!