Opinions Vary: Whisky as a Gift
Frequently I get asked, “What is a good whisky to give to someone as a gift?”
I never know the correct answer because I do not know the person who is receiving the gift. This leads me to ask more questions such as, “What is their preferred type of whisky? Do they like it strong or light? How much do you want to spend? Is it for making cocktails?” etc. This ends up confusing the asker and I realize I have not helped that much. So I thought I would offer my opinion, which varies, on what whisky’s to give as a gift.
My gift recommendations are as follows:
Scotch: Johnnie Walker Black at $35. Always works even for non-whisky drinkers. You can drink it, cook with it, and re-gift it. Upgrade would be any 12-14 year old Single Malt around $50-60.
Bourbon: Woodford Reserve at $35. Same as JW Black. Upgrade would be Michters or FEW at around $50.
Rye: Bulliet Rye at $35. Same as JW Black. Upgrade would be Sagamore Rye at $50
For cocktails: Knob Creek 9 (100 proof) at $40. Upgrade would be Sagamore Cask Strength Rye at $65+
Special Occasions: Johnnie Walker Blue ($200+) or Johnnie Walker 18 ($125).
My final thought is do not give whisky as a gift unless you know what the person likes or at least the brand they enjoy. But if in doubt, follow the ones above.
If you like it, drink it! – Christopher

If you like it, drink it!