Opinions Vary: Neat or on the Rocks
Following up on my Opinions Vary: Cask Strength I wanted to give my thoughts on enjoying whiskey “Neat” or “On the Rocks”.
On the Rocks makes sense to most people as it is on ice. The term “neat” comes from somewhere at sometime and has a history that I can’t figure out, but it sounds cool when you say it in a bar ordering your whiskey.
I believe that a good whiskey, which is subject your opinion, needs nothing more than a glass. I have found that ice can really ruin the enjoyment of a good whiskey. If you are drinking whiskey over 18 years old (and sometimes younger), it usually has been created with care and balanced very well for taste. Why ruin it with ice?
With many whiskeys it can be a crap shoot. A whiskey on ice may be nice, but the ice melts and waters down the whiskey. It affects the taste, weakens it, and makes it easier to drink. I find this a problem when drinking bourbon on the rocks. The sweetness of the corn mash becomes easier to consume and you end up drinking too much too quickly.
Many years ago watched Anthony Bourdain on No Reservations drinking his favorite whiskey on the rocks. From what I remember, he was in Brooklyn and he was drinking Pappy Van Winkle 23-Year-Old in some hipster bar. He spoke about how you can drink whiskey any way you want, which is true, but you need to consider a few things. One thing to consider is the TV show was paying for it, another was he did well for himself finically so he could have bathed in Pappy for all I care. For most of us, budgets are a controlling factor in our whiskey experience.
My advice, order whiskey neat, with ice on the side. Start with one or two cubes and take it from there.
If you like it, drink it! – Christopher

If you like it, drink it!