Opinions Vary: Manners & Deportment in a Cigar Lounge
There are unwritten rules in this world that some people know by nature and common sense. There are others rule that need to be stated and taught. Many years ago, I was living in South Florida and I was a member of a cigar lounge and I learned the rules over time so I wanted to share them with you. One of the rules I learned in the bathroom where a sign stated: “Don’t talk about yourself. We will do that when you leave.”
That a good life rule for anyone in a social situation.
If you have not been in a cigar lounge, or you go occasionally, these are the rules you should follow:
- Be nice.
- Don’t talk about yourself unless asked. You are a stranger or a new guy and the regulars don’t give a shit about you.
- Ask if the seat is available before you sit. Don’t just plop your ass down like you are owed a seat because you bought a cigar.
- Take note of the pecking order. Don’t sit with regulars until invited or offered.
- If you want to start a conversation, ask the person what they are smoking and what they think of it. Don’t ask “what do you do”, it’s not a date.
- Don’t ask for the tv to be changed unless you are a regular. It’s a dick move. Watch what everyone is watching.
- Don’t name drop or brag. It is fucking pathetic, and it immediately lets people know you are full of shit.
- Don’t break balls unless you know the person well.
- Dress somewhat nicely. It’s not a construction site or your home.
- Bring your own booze if allowed. Offer it to the regulars to speed up the process of becoming a regular.
- Don’t talk about politics, religion or sex. Of course, you always end of up talking about it, so keep it light.
- If you are allowed to carry a weapon, unload it BEFORE putting it on the coffee table.
- If it is Members Only Lounge, ask if there is a purchase price to go in. Most lounges will let you in for a cigar if you spend $25 or more on cigars.
- Have somewhere else to go afterwards. Don’t make the lounge your second home. Get in, relax, get out.
Everyone and every lounge is different. But good manners and deportment cost nothing!
If you like it, drink it (or smoke it!) – Christopher

If you like it, drink it!