New Riff “Red Turkey Wheat” Bourbon

Name: New Riff “Red Turkey Wheat” Bourbon

Color: Copper

Nose: Corn, unique wheat, vanilla, caramel-orange

Taste: Toasted malted blend, caramel, vanilla, white fruits

New Riff Bourbon Single Barrel Bourbon is produced by the New Riff Distillery which is located in Newport, KY on the Ohio River adjacent to Cincinnati. New Riff was founded by Ken Lewis who used to own The Party Source next door in the same plaza. It is my understanding that you cannot produce and distribute whiskey in Kentucky so he sold the store to start the distillery. 

On my last visit to Kentucky, I stopped by the bar to see if they had anything new. The bartender presented me the New Riff Red Turkey Wheat for a tasting. I was pleasantly surprised. The mash bill is 70% corn, 25% red turkey wheat, 5% malted barley, aged “at “least five years. It is a bottle and bonded, non-chilled filtered XXX whiskey that is 50% abv. The Red turkey wheat uses heirloom seed that have been passed down over 50 years from crops and unlike modern seeds they are not a hybrid mix. This type of wheat creates a different flavor profile that I had not experience before and it is very enjoyable.

Red Turkey Wheat it is very good whiskey, well balanced, and can be drank neat. At 100 proof I would add some water or make a high-quality cocktail.

Priced around $50 and worth the money. Not sure if you are going to find it in the stores up in the NYC area as this is limited production run.

If you like it, drink it! – Christopher

If you like it, drink it!

ChrisNew Riff “Red Turkey Wheat” Bourbon

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