Italian Cocktail – The Negroni

Name: Italian Cocktail – The Negroni

Color: Red

Nose:  Gin, sweet syrup, medicinal spices

Taste: Gin, sweet syrup, medicinal spices, cirtus notes

The Negroni cocktail is said to originate in Italy in the 1940’s. Some records show it originating in France in the 1920’s, but I choose to believe the it came from Italy due to the use of Campari. Wherever or who ever created it, you have done a benefit to society, my thanks to you.

The Negroni is simple cocktail made with dry gin, Campari, and sweet vermouth. It is served in a rocks glass over ice and with a twist. There are other versions of the Negroni, but I prefer the classic. This cocktail is not for everyone for three reasons. One, more people drink vodka than gin. Two, most people do not drink Campari. Three, sweet vermouth has never been as popular as dry vermouth. It is a sad truth, I never really see people ordering Negroni’s in the NYC area.

What I like best about a Negroni is it has some bite to it. It has a medium heavy, slightly syrupy, and has a sharp finish of Campari. It is an excellent substitute for a whisky on the rocks on a hot summer day.

How make a Negroni:

  • 1/3 Dry Gin
  • 1/3 Sweet Vermouth
  • 1/3 Campari Bitters
  • Stir and Strain in rocks with ice
  • Add twist of orange or lemon

Negroni Tip:

Make sure you use a quality dry gin. Fruity, earthy, or experimental gins will not blend well with the other mixers. Trust me I have tried it. For the “Anthony Bourdain “Big Ass Negroni” use an 8-ounce rocks glass, one big ice cube, and 3x the measures of booze.

I recommend you try one this summer. They do taste better in Italy for some strange reason.

If you like it, drink it! – Chris

If you like it, drink it!

ChrisItalian Cocktail – The Negroni

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