Name: HM – The King Scotch
Color: Yellow
Nose: Malt, flowers, fruit, vanilla
Taste: Vanilla, fruit, light honey
HM – The King Scotch is a blended scotch whisky that is bottled at 40% abv and appears to be of natural color. If the title sounds familiar it is probably from movies that describe British Naval Ships as the “HM (fill in the blank)”. In the United Kingdom the ships are HM for “His/Her Majesty” in the United States they are the “USS (fill in the blank)”. In this case is it is “His Majesty” as the scotch is titled “King.”
On the producer’s web page is states, “exquisite blend of Highland single malts……worked with most storied houses including Dalmore, Jura, and The Highland Queen”. Sounds nice, but there is not much else I could find, which makes me wonder what is really in the scotch. Remember, just because it is written in marketing material, does not make it true.
I sampled this scotch at my sisters’ home in Florida as she had an extra one from her liquor sales days. HM -The King Scotch is a good example of how a blend can have a good flavor profile and not be overpriced. The ongoing debate in the whisky world whether blended scotch whisky or a single malt is better continues to hurt my ears. If you want an 18-year-old single malt go and pay for one, if your you budget does not allow for $100+ bottle, buy a blend and see if you like it.
HM – The King Scotch is light, fresh, and easy to drink. It has a nice balance but is nothing amazing, however, I do not think it is trying to be amazing.
Priced around $30 and its good for a try or grabbing a bottle for a party. I have not seen it on the shelf here in the NYC area.
If you like it, drink it! – Christopher

If you like it, drink it!