Name: Clyde May’s Straight Bourbon
Color: Light Brown
Nose: Corn, vanilla, oranges, dry wood
Taste: Same but rough
Clyde May’s is named after a man and moonshiner from Alabama with a long history of backwoods whiskey production. Clyde passed away in 1990 and his son took over the business and made it legal. The whiskey is sourced from Indiana (or possibly Kentucky) and is bottled in Florida. As of January 2022, they have broken ground in Troy, Alabama with construction to complete in 2023 and first released production expected in 2027.
The Straight Bourbon is young, rough, and has not real sense of style. It is a not mixed bag of flavors like the Alabama Style Whiskey. The first and second tastes of this whiskey are the same, which is shit. The good news is the second taste is less shit because your mouth adjusted to the first taste of shit stuck on your tongue.
Other expressions (hopefully less shitty): Straight Rye, Straight Bourbon, Alabama Style Whiskey, Clyde May’s Cask Strength, Alabama Style Whiskey, and Clyde May’s Special Reserve Alabama Style Whiskey.
Priced around $40 and it is just a quickly produced low level whiskey.
If you like it, drink it! – Christopher

If you like it, drink it!