Bruadar Malt Whisky Liqueur

Name: Bruadar Malt Whisky Liqueur

Color: Gold

Nose: Malt, honey, sugar, raspberry

Taste: Honey, sugar

I’ll make this one short because I fucked up. I bought this nip in Edinburgh at World of Whiskies. I just grab a bunch of nippy sweeties without reading carefully what I was putting in my cart. My mistake.

This is a shit tasting honey sugar liqueur (22% abv), not a malt whisky. It must be the Scottish version of Jack Daniels Honey. If you need whisky and honey flavor use whisky and fucking honey in your drink. It is fucking awful!

Priced around “who gives a flying fuck.”

If you like it, drink it! – Chris

If you like it, drink it!

ChrisBruadar Malt Whisky Liqueur

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