Opinions Vary: Scotch in Scotland

Opinions Vary: Scotch in Scotland

If you have been following my reviews for a while you might have picked up that I am half Scottish. My Mother was born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland and I have family in Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Sterling. I’ve learned a few things since traveling over to Scotland in the last twenty years. First thing I learned is that my cousins are annoyed that I spell “whiskey” with a “e”. The second thing I learned is do not get your hopes up for a proper pour of whisky.

The word “Scotch” is used to separate Scottish Whisky from Bourbon, American Whiskey, or Irish Whiskey. The spelling of “whisky” is reserved for Scotland only, but in recent years some producers are breaking that rule. Calling whisky “Scotch” is mainly used in America from my experience. 

Proper pours are a not going to happen in Scotland when you are at the pub drinking Scotch. Free pouring in pubs is illegal. The UK have regulated pours of 35ml (1.2oz) or 50ml (1.69oz). What the actual fuck? I mean seriously, who came up with that bullshit rule? Is so un-American. At least in America you have a chance for heavy pour with a good tip and a friendly bartender.


So, to summarize, Scotch (aka whisky) is not to be call in Scotch in Scotland and the pours are small. I recommend Scotland vote for a different type of Freedom!!!!

If you like it, drink it! – Chris

If you like it, drink it!

ChrisOpinions Vary: Scotch in Scotland

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