Name: Fire Ball Whiskey
Color: Brown
Nose: Cinnamon, nutmeg, oil
Taste: Cinnamon, red hots, whiskey
Well, I have had some great whiskies since starting this blog three years ago, but, NEVER such an incredible whiskey like Fire Ball Whiskey. The smell, the tastes, and the mouth feel of this wondering cinnamon spirit takes my breathe away! Nothing can compare to this whiskey. Ok, maybe Jack Daniels Fire, which is clear copy, might compare. But you know what the say, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”.
This incredible crafted whiskey is better than Red Bull. Red Bull may gives you wings, but Fire Ball lets people know the quality of our soul as a human. When you order this whiskey in the bar or bring it to a party it says a lot. It states that you are classy, sophisticated, your beer pong in on point, and you can body slam into a folding table like Thor landing in a Marvel movie.
Fire Ball will give you that warm and fuzzy feeling that all humans get between 2:00-3:00AM. You know, when the world is spinning around you as you search best Italian food you can locate. Also, let us not forget the confidence it will give you. Your ego will take over as your body begins to shut down. Your communication with the opposite sex (or same) to say what is on your mind at the same time your reproduction system begins close for business will be amazing. Not to forget, your intestines begin the reverse consumption removal process through your mouth and nose.
Fire Ball will also help you practice yoga. Your downward dog pose on the cold tile floor in the smallest room in your house with your head rested where your head is not supposed to go would impress the most seasoned Yogi.
You too can feel all of this with this stunning whiskey and only for the price of $25-$30 per bottle!
Happy April Fools Day! I am not a big fan of this whiskey, but, opinions vary!.
If you like it, drink it!

If you like it, drink it!