Name: Davidoff Signature 2000
Size/Gauge: 5” / 43
Wrapper: Ecuador
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Dominican Republic
Davidoff Signature 2000 is a light smoke with limited flavors. I detected oat/barley, cream, and some cedar wood. However, that was me stretching my taste buds to detect the flavors. I found this cigar to have very little flavor. I think it is just too light for my taste.
I used a bullet cutter due to the small gauge, but it did not draw well. After a few minutes, I found this cigar to be to bitter tasting and I was not enjoying it. I am not impressed for the flavor profile or the price point.
Priced around $25 and unless you like light smokes, I would skip this one. This cigar is the least impressive of the box set.
If you like it, drink it (or smoke it)! – Chris