Whiskey Mule Black Skimmer Bourbon Canned Cocktail

Name: Whiskey Mule Black Skimmer Bourbon Canned Cocktail

Color:  Light Yellow

Nose: Ginger, bitters, citrus

Taste: Ginger, bitters, citrus, spicy, wood, chemical

This can of yellow piss tastes like fizzy ginger shit finished with a chemical smell and taste. It is basically seltzer bubbles with no bourbon in it at 7% ALC.

It states on the can that it is made from natural flavors but does not taste like it. There is too much chemical smell and taste. It almost, and I am being generous here, tastes like a ginger beer probiotic drink.

Priced around “who gives a fuck?” & “don’t drink this shit”.

If you like it, drink it! – Christopher

If you like it, drink it!

ChrisWhiskey Mule Black Skimmer Bourbon Canned Cocktail