Jameson Cold Brew

Name: Jameson Cold Brew

Color: Dark Brown

Nose: Coffee, nuts, cocoa, chemical notes

Taste: Coffee, nuts, little chemical finish

Happy St. Patricks Month! Irish WhiskEy Reviews each week!!

This review is going to be short…..not a good sign for a whiskey here at NYC Whiskey Review.

Jameson Cold Brew has a very strong coffee noses with a lot of chemical taste. It is not for straight drinking. It is a mixer for a coffee. If you want Irish Whiskey for an Irish Coffee, buy something else. Maybe Jameson Crested.

Priced around $35 and tastes Holy Fuck Balls dipped in dog shit.

If you like it, drink it! – Chris

If you like it, drink it!

ChrisJameson Cold Brew

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