1986 Glenturret Glasgow 2014 Edition

Name: 1986 Glenturret Glasgow 2014 Edition

Color: Amber

Nose: Malt, grass, flowers, dry wood

Taste: Light wood, floral, lemon, spices


The 1986 Glenturret Glasgow 2014 Edition is a special edition scotch released to honor the Commonwealth Games that were held in Glasgow in 2014. It originates from the Glenturret Distillery in Perthshire, Scotland and is the key ingredient in the Famous Grouse scotch that is contained in the bottle. The various blends in the bottle are aged for 28 years (I doubt all of them are 28 years old) and the age coincides with the last time the Commonwealth Games were in Edinburgh in 1986. 

The scotch was bottled in 2014 at 46.4% abv and only 1800 bottles at 700ml have been produced and released. If you are interested in trying instead of buy, maybe, Copper & Oak or the Brandy Library might have a bottle. If they do, you are going to pay full fare for a dram due to the limit run and allocation. I do not think you will find this easily in the NYC area.

On my last visit to Glasgow my uncle told his friend, Mr. Murphy (owner of The Potstill) that I am a scotch drinker. Mr. Murphy and I chatted over a few pints at The Smiddy and he told me had a very good scotch for me to try. The next day my cousin’s husband I am I went over The Potstill to give it a try and it was excellent. I was graciously allowed to purchase a bottle and I lugged it home to NYC and saved it for a special occasion.

Priced around $225+ online and I paid less, but I paid less in British Pounds. It was a great scotch and worth a try and taste!

If you like it, drink it! – Christopher


If you like it, drink it!

Chris1986 Glenturret Glasgow 2014 Edition

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